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America - Land of Principles and Promises
America: Land of Principles and Promises

America: Land of Principles and Promises

Second Edition.  A textbook on American History to 1877 by award winning author Philip W. Winkler, in use at the Heritage Academy, a charter school in Arizona. Hardcover, 8 by 10 inches, 549 pages. Maps, color illustrations.
SKU 978-0-88080-181-2
Price $59.95
Sale Price $50.00

The author's first book, America's History Revealed, won two awards from the Colorado Independent Publishers Association. One of the judges said,
"This is the first history book I have enjoyed reading."Another judge said, 
"A well researched book and an eye-opener on many historical points."
That book covered selected topics. In this second book, the author produced a survey textbook on the period up to 1877.

The author served on the governing board of a charter school in Colorado for 14 years, and in reviewing many history textbooks found them to leave out key facts, and in many cases to get other key facts wrong. A charter school in Arizona, the Heritage Academy, must have found similar problems, and decided to publish their own textbook. They engaged the author to write this edition.

America - Land of Principles and Promises corrects many common errors. The book also covers significant points omitted by other textbooks. For example:

  • The rights of the colonies under their charters, the agreement between England and Virginia from 1651, and the English Bill of Rights.
  • The corruption in the British government.
  • How the Declaration of Independence stood on a solid legal foundation (as well as a moral foundation).
  • How one of America's Founding Fathers raised an army of white men to defend a group of Indians from other white men.
  • The truth about the Supreme Court case of Gibbons v. Ogden, for over 100 years the primary precedent on the interstate commerce clause. (Many textbooks convey false information about this case.)
  • Why the United States and Mexico claimed different boundaries between them.
  • How Mexico had not honored either boundary.
  • Refutation of four key points from Chief Justice Taney's opinion in the Dred Scott case.
If you want to know what our Founding Fathers were thinking, this book quotes from John Dickinson, John Jay, Ethan Allen, Thomas Paine, James Otis, George Mason, Samuel Adams, Joseph Warren, Edmund Randolph, Patrich Henry, and especially:
  • James Madison (13 times)
  • John Adams (15 times)
  • Benjamin Franklin (18 times)
  • George Washington (27 times)
  • Thomas Jefferson (over 50 times)
This textbook also quotes from significant documents of the founding period, including:
  • The Declaration of Rights and Grievances
  • The Suffolk Resolves
  • The Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms
  • The Olive Branch Petition
  • The Declaration of Independence (11 times)
  • The Constitution (75 times either quoted or terms directly referred to in relation to events)
For a truthful, enlightening, and entertaining account of American history, get a copy.
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